How to Customize or Discount Prices in the Contracts Module
Step 1
Log into webCemeteries Management.
Step 2
Select "Search Contracts" from the left side menu.
Step 3
Contract Search will display. You can create a new contract or search by contract.
Step 4
If you haven’t added any property or merchandise, add them to the contract.
Step 5
Click on the price of a property or merchandise.
Step 6
A window will pop-up so that you can customize the price.
Step 7
You can discount as a percent, discount a specific amount, or set a custom price.
Custom Price
If you are entering a new custom price, choose "Custom Price" from the drop-down menu. Enter the new fixed price to the right. Instead of a discount amount or discount percentage, you are entering the new price instead of the amount you are discounting by.
Step 8
Once you've chosen the discount type, fill out the corresponding discount percent, amount, or custom price and add a reason for the custom price or discount. Click SAVE.
Step 9
If you hover over the gray circle with the white “i” next to the price, the system will tell you if there is a discounted or custom price. There will be other notes about the user who created the discount or custom price and the reason.