How to Use Remember My Journey Map Search
This search will eventually be going away in favor of our new Burial Search integration. See this article for more information: Burial Search Integration Options. If you're interested in upgrading to our new Burial Search sooner, please contact support and we will work with you to get it updated.
The Remember My Journey Map Search is a powerful tool for searching for deceased by Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Year of Birth, Year of Death and it even allows you to search for Trees and Landmarks. This How to Guide will walk you through the basics of using the Map Search.
Step 1
Navigate to the Remember My Journey Map Search on your cemetery's public website.
Step 2
There are multiple ways to search for a deceased person, but the easiest way to search is by entering a last name and first initial, or a full first and last name for the person you are looking for. You can also search by birth year or death year by putting "born:" or "died:" before your search.
Step 3
Hit "Enter" on your keyboard or click the magnifying glass icon to start searching.
Step 4
Pins and a list of search results will appear. Yellow clusters on the map depict a high concentration of deceased in a small area and prevent the map from being cluttered with pins.
Step 5
Click on a pin or click on a search result to view more information.
Step 6
From here, you can view the memorial pages by clicking on the "View & Submit Memories" button.
Step 7
You can click "Get Directions" to get turn by turn Google Maps directions to the burial site. Click "Share Directions" to email the directions to a family or friend of the deceased.
8. If you have Cem360, you can click to view the nearest Cem360 Ground View.
Search Multiple Fields at Once
You can also search for combinations of fields. You would enter the following if you would like to see all of the people with last name Miller who passed away in 1960. Died: 1960 Last Name: Miller