Searching the CRM
Step 1
Log in to
Step 2
Hover over "CRM" on the left side menu and click "Contacts & Customers".
Step 3
Enter a name, email address or phone number to search for the person in your CRM.
To find a list of contacts, you can click "More" and "Availability" to choose folks who wish to be contacted (Available) or not contacted (Do Not Contact).
Step 4
Step 5
The search results list will display all of the basic contact information that is on file for the contact. You can search for a part of a name, and searching is also not case sensitive. Searching “mil” will grant me results including the last name Miller and Hamilton.
Step 6
If you want to export your search results, click "Export" in the top right corner and "All Results CSV."
You will see a new file in your downloads of a simple spreadsheet of your exported search results.
Step 7
Click on the search result from the list to view the contact in detail and to see other features, interactions relationships, and additional information.
Interactions- show a log of the connections the organization has had with this contact. You can log the type (email, phone call, office visit, etc.) and the date/time of the interaction. Logging Interactions allows the organization to keep track of a timeline of contacting customers and store notes pertaining to a customer (such as changes pertaining to ownership and contracts). See this guide for more details regarding Interactions.
Locations- show a list of the locations that the contact is associated with and their stakeholder type. When a contact becomes a stakeholder of a property, the location gets automatically added to the contact’s list of locations.
Contracts- show a list of the contracts the contact is associated with. When the contact is added to a contract, the contract is automatically added to the contact's list of contracts.
Relationships- If you have marked a next of kin on a Deceased record (see Exploring the Deceased Record Page), you will see that Deceased name on the relationships tab.
Documents- allow you to upload, download and manage documents pertaining to the contact. If this contact is also an owner, you will be able to access a list of owner documents.
History- shows a full history of all of the updates that are made to this record.