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How to Add a Used Date for Merchandise and Services in a Contract

Using the "Used On" feature in a contract triggers Merchandise and Services items to move from the "Undelivered Merchandise/Services" report to the "Delivered Merchandise/Services" report. Learn more about that report here: Understanding Merchandise and Services Reports

Step 1

Create the contract.

Step 2

Add a Merchandise or Service Item to the Contract.

Step 3

To the right of the Merchandise/Service line item is the "Used On" column. Select the small "Calendar" icon to bring up the calendar and set a date:


Step 4

Once you've set a date, it will be set permanently once the contract status is changed to Signed.

  • If the contract was already signed and a Used On date was not set, you can still set one after the fact, but it will be permanently set immediately. So make absolutely sure you are setting the correct date.