How to Import Inventory Information
Import Inventory information via a spreadsheet
If you would like to update the Tax status of your inventory, see this article: Editing an Inventory Category's Tax Status. If you would like to add inventory items manually, see this article: How to Add Inventory
Step 1
Log in to webCemeteries Management.
Step 2
If you are a cemetery administrator, you will be able to access these settings. If you are not a cemetery administrator, reach out to your cemetery administrator or contact
Step 3
Hover over the "Contracts" icon on the left side menu and select "Manage Merchandise & Services"
Step 4
If you are new to the Contracts module, you will have no inventory.
If you have already started adding inventory, you will see categories listed.
Step 5
If you have existing inventory and want to updating pricing, you can export the existing data.
Here's an example of what an export looks like:
Be mindful of the character limits:
Item Max Character lengths:
Name - 100
SKU - 100
Description - Unlimited
Category max Character lengths:
Name - 100
Description - Unlimited
Step 6
Prepare your data for import.
Make sure you have the column headers as follows:
Id (Optional) Name, Description, Category, SKU, Price, IsRefundable, IsInterestFree, IsArchived, isTaxable
Id: webCemeteries internal id (Optional field)
- Only required if you use the same SKU for multiple items or you do not use SKU at all.
- Must use the export command to get this column's value after importing new records.
*Name: the name of your Merchandise or Service
Description: describe the merchandise or service
*Category: Some examples of categories are:
- Merchandise
- Services
- Rentals
- Archived Merchandise
SKU: if you use SKUs for your inventory
*Price: use the format of dollar sign, dollars, period, cents (e.g., $500.00)
IsRefundable: Is this item refundable?
- If the answer is yes, mark TRUE.
- If the answer is no, mark FALSE
IsInterestFree: Is this item archived?
- If the answer is yes, mark TRUE.
- If the answer is no, mark FALSE
IsArchived: Is this item archived?
- If the answer is yes, mark TRUE.
- If the answer is no, mark FALSE
IsTaxable: Is this item archived?
- If the answer is yes, mark TRUE.
- If the answer is no, mark FALSE
Save the spreadsheet as a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file.
Step 7
Step 8
You will see the green circle light up at (1) Select Import Data. Drag & Drop your CSV file from your File Explorer or click UPLOAD FILE. Then click NEXT.
Step 9
You will see the green circle light up at (2) Map Data. Review your Column names from your spreadsheet (left side in bold) and make sure they associate with the "Mapping." If a column does not match up with the "Mapping," you can click the drop-down menu to adjust to match. Lastly, you will see the first row of data and how it will "map" into your Inventory. Once you've reviewed, click "NEXT" in the bottom right corner.
As you move forward through these steps, you can navigate back to a previous step by clicking on the green circle with the icon for that step.
Step 10
You will see the green circle light up at (3) Summary. If you wish, you can click "REVIEW LINE-BY-LINE" to check your spreadsheet, or you can click "FINISH." If you click "FINISH," skip Step 13 and go on to Step 14.
Step 11
If you click "REVIEW LINE-BY-LINE," you will go to (4) Review Optional.
If you have no new categories, you will see in the "Action" column the word "Update."
If you have any new categories, you will see in the "Action" column the word "Add." At the bottom, you will see any new categories listed.
Once you've finished your optional review, click "FINISH" in the bottom right corner.
Step 12
You will see the green circle light up at (5) Apply Changes. This is your last chance to go back to any of the other steps (click on the green circles with the icons).
Once you're ready, click "APPLY CHANGES" in the center under "Summary."
Step 13
The tool will implement your changes and let you know once they are implemented by changing to "Complete" under "APPLY CHANGES" (which will turn from orange font to be grayed out).
To see the inventory that you just added or updated, click "Merchandise & Services" in your breadcrumb (above "Select Import Data).
Step 14
If you added any new categories, you will see them displayed. To see the items within a category, click on the category. If you want to edit anything manually from here, reference the support article How to Add Inventory.