How to Delete a Work Order Job Type
Permissions to Edit Job Types
Only users with Cemetery Write permissions will have the option to add/edit job types. If you are not a cemetery administrator, reach out to your cemetery administrator or contact
Step 1
Log into webCemeteries Management.
Step 2
Click the "Work Orders" button on the left side menu.
Step 3
Click on “Manage Job Types.”
Step 4
You'll navigate to the below window.
Step 5
You can click on a category to see a list of job types in that category, or look at the Uncategorized job types listed at the bottom.
Click the check box(es) to the left of the job type name(s) you wish to delete. You will see the selected job type amount in a green bar and the word DELETE in a white box.
Step 6
Step 7
A window will pop-up to ask you to confirm you want to delete the job type(s). Click YES.
Step 8
The job type(s) you deleted will no longer display.